
Carolina Across 100开始关注住房问题

The initiative will work with communities across the state to improve affordable housing access and availability.

A key in a door with a keychain in the shape of North Carolina.

UNC-Chapel Hill’s Carolina Across 100 initiative announced its fifth program this week: 我们的国家,我们的家园:合作解决博彩平台州的住房需求. The program receives support from the UNC 政府管理学院’s 发展金融倡议 以及其他校园合作伙伴.

根据 的说法.S. 住房和城市发展部,估计有30% 博彩平台州的家庭 either struggle to afford their homes or are living in substandard and/or overcrowded housing. 适用于中低收入家庭, the share of households with housing needs jumps to nearly 85%.

博彩平台州的调查和对话中, community leaders have named housing as one of the top challenges they face today,” 安妮塔Brown-Graham, lead coordinator of Carolina Across 100 and ncIMPACT director. “Many of these leaders voice concerns that the tight housing market in the state will negatively impact local job creation, 留存率和生产率. 拥有丰富的专业知识, 许多学科领域的教职员工和学生, UNC is well-positioned to support our communities as they consider the many implications of housing markets.”

在这18个月的课程中, Carolina Across 100 will bring together entities from across campus to facilitate cross-sector collaboration among selected community teams comprised of a diverse set of stakeholders including local government agencies, 房地产开发商, 建筑商, 金融机构, 支持服务提供者, 雇主, 以信仰为基础的社区组织等等.

因为住房是一个多方面的挑战, this program will bring together leaders from a wide range of experiences and disciplines. 来自整个大学的合作伙伴, including the 文理学院’ city and regional planning department, UNC 凯南-弗拉格勒商学院 and the UNC School of 医学, will be active in sharing re博彩平台 and expertise throughout this pan-University effort.

“Carolina Across 100 is one of the many ways that Carolina partners with communities to respond to critical challenges facing the people of North Carolina,” 李海校长. 罗伯茨. “By working alongside local leaders who share their ideas and experiences, 我们正在一起寻找答案. Housing needs are pervasive across our state and this new program will bring resources and expertise from across Carolina to help communities respond to those needs.”

通过这个项目, participating communities will deepen their understanding of housing issues in their local contexts, learn about tools to improve community conversations around housing needs, 确定当地的合作伙伴和资源, and increase knowledge and capacity to implement strategies for improving housing affordability. The information will be shared publicly to help additional communities in North Carolina address their housing needs.

“供应有限。, 成本上升, 还有其他问题, 满足当地安全需求, accessible and affordable housing is a challenge for community leaders,” 玛西娅Perritt, DFI总监. “We are eager to bring them together in this statewide effort to learn from each other, 分享想法和构建工具, resources and connections we need to advance local progress on addressing housing needs.”

“The cornerstone of any successful community housing initiative has always been the collective action of key stakeholders — 建筑商, 房东, 居民, 信仰社区, 政府及慈善机构,” 泰勒穆里根David M. 劳伦斯公法和政府特聘教授. “这项倡议旨在将这些利益相关者聚集在一起, helping them unite around the most pressing housing issues facing their community today and empowering them to launch collaborative efforts tailored to the unique social and economic realities of their community.”

The Carolina Across 100 team is postponing the application deadline for the 我们的国家,我们的家园 program to give communities time to react and respond to the devastation wreaked by Hurricane Helene in North Carolina. We will also host an additional virtual information session for potential applicants. 请在下面找到更新的节目日期列表.

  • 10月. 9, 12 p.m.:我们的国家,我们的家园 资讯部份1
  • [待定]:我们的国家,我们的家园信息会议2
  • 11月. 22: 新的申请截止日期 为了我们的国家,我们的家园
  • Mid-December: Announcement of teams selected to participate in the 我们的国家,我们的家园 program
  • 2025年1月:“我们的州,我们的家”计划开始实施